Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Friday, September 12, 2008

A. L. J.

This is an announcement of my A. L. J., the Anthropo Logic Journals at anthlogjour.info, to participate in writing send your social and cultural anthropology related article by registering.

© Sybille Amber: Intellectual Property 2005/2006/2007

Sunday, May 04, 2008


This site is continued under http://www.sybilamber.com/ . There is Otti s gallery here: http://www.sybilamber.com/index.php?option=com_zoom&Itemid=128&catid=5

I would like you to know, that I have installed my new website under http://www.sybilamber.com/ ! Please enjoy the gallery , the ECards, take time to quiz or share your opinion. I publish articles about artwork, anthropology and news from around the world on a regular basis. I have a marketplace and fleamarket, as well as a shop online. Consider to see my exhibiton of ceramics whilst you are in Vienna. Here is a quick overview and a content index, a press archive, the Anthropo Logic Journals and much more. Basic registering is free and without time limits, I will add paid mamberships by and by for managers and news or software authors within some months. Please comment on the contents, I enjoy your reflections!

Kind regards from Vienna, greetings sent out to the whole world!



© Sybille Amber: Intellectual Property 2008

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Human v2.0

Ich moechte Interesenten anbieten, Texte zum Thema Singularitaet in Bezug zu Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie einzuschicken. Bitte editiert, redigiert und im *.doc, sowie *.pdf Format. Die gesammelten Texte sollen in einem Journal im Jahr 2008 veroeffentlicht werden: Titel der Publikation: A. L. J. mit Schwerpunkt Singularitaet. Die ausschliesslich elektronische Publikation ermoeglicht es AutorInnen, Gedanken zum Themenbereich in deutscher, englischer oder franzoesischer Sprache zu publizieren. Im Anschluss kann ich mir eine virtuelle Konferenz zum Thema vorstellen. Live Chats oder Videochats koennen Teilnehmende miteinander verbinden, die individuelle Location waere also nicht wesentlich. Bitte weitersagen: http://members.chello.at/asfiles

I would like to offer you the opportunity to publish texts on Singularity and Anthropology. Please edit and send in *.doc and *.pdf formats. I would like to publish an electronic journal in 2008: A. L. J. on Singularity. Authors may therefore publish their thoughts on Singularity in relation to Social and Cultural Anthropology in English, French or German. Probably things become so interesting, that a Conference about this field might be set up, providing chat and video chats. Please spread widely: http://members.chello.at/asfiles

1 Open Journal Services: OJS is a software bundle to publish monthly, quarterly or yearly journals on behalf of interest. The GNU Licence allows to alter configuration and to distribute scientific work widely.

2 Open Conference Services: OCS is a kind of conference server implementation including lots of tools to deploy and manage papers and articles.

Amber, Sybil: Curriculum Vitae
A. L. J. Blog: http://anthropologicjournals.blogspot.com
PKP Software & Services: http://pkp.sfu.ca/software_and_services

© Amber, Sybil 2007 Anthropo Logic Journals. Vienna: Blogger & Chello UPC. URL: http://members.chello.at/sybilleamber

© Sybille Amber: Intellectual Property 2005/2006/2007

Sunday, July 01, 2007


The twenty-year time span required to provide a basic education

to biological humans could be compressed into a matter of weeks

or less (Kurzweil 2005: 294).

Not only the BBC´s documentation evaluated a status quo of AI research, Kurzweil mainly refers to the technological side of computational capacities in the beginnning. Chapter 4 describes

Achieving the Software of Human Intelligence:

How to Reverse Engineer the Human Brain

(Kurzweil 2005: 143)

Chapter Six meets

The Impact...
...on the Human Body
...on the Human Brain
...on Human Longevity
...on Warfare
...on Learning
...on Play
...on the Intelligent Destiny of the Cosmos
(Kurzweil 2005: 299)

What some scientis call frightening, might also be a big step to more peace, I think. From an anthropological view millions of questions arise. A glimpse of the future can be read about on the BBC documentary website.

As I pointed out above, the shift to nonbiological

thinking will be a slippery slope, but one on

which we have already started. We will continue

to have human bodies, but they will become morphable

projections of our intelligence. In other words,

once we have incorporated MNT fabrication into ourselves,

we will be able to create and re-create different

bodies at will (Kurzweil 2005: 324).

Blackmore writes about meme

There are many kinds of meme which parents pass down

vertically to their children. The ones that are

successful in getting spread this way (and are common

in the meme pool) are those that people want to pass

on. These include not only religious and political

views, social mores, and ethical standards (in any

case some children reject these entirely), but all

the possessions that go with living in a meme-rich

society. Memes are ultimately responsible for us

having our homes and possessions, our position

in society, and our stocks, shares and money.

None of these things would exist without a meme-

based society and these are the things we work hard

for and want to leave to someone we care about

when we die (Blackmore 2000: 143).

Will we, the then-media in our biological bodies, which would be morphological projections, pass on our meme via AI? Who will decide then which meme to deliver or transport or save? Will we create shops to buy our choice of "life" data - as we do already? Can our lives be stored on a DVD-like item? What about emotions then? Will we speak hundreds of languages? Can everybody then paint like Van Gogh, Klimt, Schiele or would we buy a data chip to download Michelangelo´s sculptural abilties in the 99-Cent-store? What about our emotions and beliefs?

Blackmore, Susan 2000. The Meme Machine. New York: Oxford University Press.
Frijda, Nico H. / Bem, Sacha /Manstead, Antony S. R. 2000 Emotions and Beliefs. How Feelings Influence Thoughts. Paris: Cambridge University Press.
Kurzweil, Ray 2005. The Singularity is Near. When Humans transcend Biology. London: Penguin Books.

© Sybille Amber: Intellectual Property 2005/2006/2007

Software Bundle

Ein tolles Software Bundle wird bei AVS angeboten, Video und Audio Werkzeuge in einem:

AVS Video Tools, Converters, Editor, DVD Copier

Einfache Benutzeroberflaechen dienen dem Einsteiger der Videobearbeitung die Moeglichkeit Clips genu zu schneiden und zusammenzufuegen, mit Ton - ob bereits vorhandene Musik oder importierte, selbst aufgenommene, Beschreibungen - zu versehen.

© Sybille Amber: Intellectual Property 2005/2006/2007